Dean Burkinshaw 2024 Caring Kind Recipient

Monday, September 9, 2024

Dena Burkinshaw has been selected as the Caring Kind Recipient for West Holt Memorial Hospital for 2024.


“[Dena] is someone whose name has come up quite a bit in nominations from recent years which speaks to her consistency and also the respect she garners from her peers in the workplace,” said WHMS CEO Jeremy Bauer. “Being noticed for her exceptional performance and overall positive attitude is nothing new for this individual.”


Burkinshaw was recognized at WHMS’ annual Caring Kind Dinner, where all nominees, nominators, and their guests gather to hear all the different nominations and who ultimately is that year’s recipient. The event allows a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the outstanding staff at WHMS, and for those individuals to hear some specifics of what their coworkers appreciate about them.


This year, a total of 31 nominations were submitted representing 23 employees.


The Nebraska Hospital Association (NHA) and their members have selected Caring Kind recipients for more than 40 years. Recipients of this prestigious award have gone above and beyond the call of duty to demonstrate compassion for patients, cooperation with co-workers and dedication to excellence in their job responsibilities. Winners also have the opportunity to attend and be recognized at the Caring Kind Luncheon, the final event at the NHA Annual Convention.


WHMS congratulates Dena for this well-deserved recognition, and all the nominees for their excellent work throughout the year.